Let's face it, when most of us think of a Yorkshire terrier, we think of a handbag dog with bows in its hair, maybe even dressed up in a frou-frou outfit.
    Don't let those cutesy images fool you, this dog was bred to exterminate vermin, originally bred to kill rats in mines and clothing mills in the mid 19th century.
    Keen burrowers, this little terrier was expert at flushing out foxes and badgers alike, no mean feat especially considering their size.
    This dog is as brave and gutsy as they come!
    Origin-wise, when  Scottish migrants came down to Yorkshire in search of work in mills, they brought their small terriers with them and they bred their best to keep the mills mouse free.
    The Yorkie as we know it comes from the Paisley Terrier and a mix of terriers unknown. The breed developed in Yorkshire and in 1891, " Huddersfield Ben" became the granddaddy of them all. 
    He was a show dog belonging to a Yorkshire woman called Mary Ann Foster, she showed him all over England and he became the definitive "Yorkshire" terrier. He sired many a pup but sadly died when six years old.
    Huddersfield Ben was the big kahuna and all current Yorkie blood-lines can be directly traced back to him.
    Loveable with a mischievous streak, this bundle of energy loves adventures and as with any other dog, it needs stimulation.
    While the breed can't claim a long attention span, if training sessions are kept short, this very clever dog loves to perform. In fact, they do very well in obedience and agility competitions, could be why they've been in so many films.
    "Meet the Fockers", the Focker's dog was a Yorkshire terrier mix that enjoying flushing cats in toilets and in "Urban Legend", the Yorkie named Hootie has a penchant for drinking beer out of a bong.
    In "A Fish Called Wanda", where three Yorkies accidentally get assassinated. Funnier than it sounds trust me.
    But my fave must be "Funny Face" with Audrey Hepburn. "Mr Famous" actually was her own dog and travelled with her everywhere.
    Famous Yorkie Admirers...
    Johnny Depp
    Audrey Hepburn
    Whitney Houston
    Naomi Watts
    Simon Cowell
    Donnie Osmond
    Venus Williams
    Britney Spears
    Orlando Bloom
    Joan Rivers
    Over the last five years, the amount of Yorkies entering rescue centres has alarmingly increased by over 40%!
    Understandingly, many put the blame on the recent trend of "handbag dogs".
    It's such a shame that some people just don't realise that these "Toy" terriers require the same amount of training and care as any other breed.
    If however, you have the time and love for a sweet, loyal and brave little dog, below are some links that'll help you find that special someone.
    Rescue Resources

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