• Louise and Tink - Bichon Frisse (Cross)

    Whenever I think of a Bichon Frisse I naturally think of Audrey Hepburn and whenever I think of Audrey Hepburn I think of my stunning friend, Louise.
    So who better to ask about life with a Bichon.......
    Hello I'm Louise, a mother of four. My boys are all grown up, George 26, Harry 24, Bertie 21 and my daughter Amelie is 13.
    My little Tink is such a character. I have a plant-based diet so I'm forever chopping and prepping my vegetables for dinner; she knows the difference between the chopping of a cucumber to that of a carrot and is in her element when she hears me open the fridge to get the various ingredients out for mealtimes.
    She adores all manner of vegetables and fruit. Even has a penchant for fresh conference pear and blueberries.
    The gorgeous Amelie with Mr. Bojangles Boo Boo, Louise's previous Bichon
    She absolutely loves going out for walks.
    We are blessed to live five minutes away from the Sea so we have a lovely walk  whatever the weather to the Sea everyday. The beach is heavy shingle and she just loves running like the wind over the pebbles, her ears pinned back, looking so happy.
    We have a wide selection of "Knitted by Nana" woollen jumpers that she takes great pride in wearing. She positively struts her stuff along the promenade when she's wearing one.
    She's so used to having me at home. I'm an Artist's model and luckily my jobs enable me to be at home for part of the day. However, she does sometimes take offence to being left alone at home. I went for a run with my daughter recently and I got home to find she had taken my varifocals and in protest had actually EATEN part of them!
    She also doesn't like the mail coming through the letter box. It took me ten minutes one time to find my earring as she had devoured the Jiffy bag, the box and somehow managed to hide the earring! Someone sent a postcard and all that was left was about one inch of the card!
    But apart from that she is a true loyal poppet of a dog. I love her and she is a complete joy!









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