Many of you have experienced that gut-wrenching feeling, that breathless panic when you realise your dog is missing. In the blink of an eye they're gone and next to death, a missing pet is the worst thing an owner will go through. 
    So as someone who's been there and was lucky enough to be reunited with my dachshund, Pippa, here are a few things I've found on the net to help. 
    Above all try not to panic, this is a time for action and you are not alone. There's plenty you can do to maximise your chances of getting Fido back.
    • Stay where you lost your dog for as long as you can and calmly call their name. Don't make the situation worse by inadvertently making your dog think they are in trouble, keep your tone as normal as possible.


    • Shake a box of biscuits, squeeze a squeaky toy, make any sound you feel they'll find familiar.


    • If the time comes and you have to go, leave something like their blanket or a fave toy in that spot. Better still, a piece of your clothing like a sock or glove, anything that will scent mark the spot. If you aren't anywhere urban and you think you can get away with, have a wee! Soak that area with as much as you can muster because your urine is a great scent marker too.


    • Keep re-visiting this spot, fingers crossed he'll come as the scent will make them feel safe. 


    • If that doesn't work, it's poster-time! Their photo, their name and your mobile number are a must! Some say offering a reward is a great incentive, others believe it sends out the wrong message. It's up to you.


    • Put these posters up in as many places as possible, specifically at petrol stations, cash point machines, supermarkets, pubs, gyms, schools etc....


    • Contact your vet and file a missing pet report with nearby rescue centres and your local police station - a dog comes under   "missing property" after all.


    • Contact AnimalSearch and DogLost, they are free and super helpful and sometimes you need a sympathetic ear as much as good advice. 
    Good luck and as Kate Bush once sang, Don't Give Up!
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