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    To celebrate our new collaboration with the good folks at StreetVet and the release of our latest print, Vince Caramel the Staffie, here are some facts about the much maligned Staffordshire Bull Terrier.


    Did you know the Staffie used to be known as the “ Nanny dog”?

    In fact they were referred to as "Nanny dogs” for over a hundred years because the breed is known to be so good with children and still to this day it's the breed most recommended to  families with children by rescue and re-homing centres.

    above  'Our Gang'  aka  'The Little Rascals' 1922-1944   image source

    The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is one of the most tolerant,patient and gentle dogs out there yet it breaks my heart to say that it’s THE most rescued breed in the UK , most of them strays and the majority of Staffies take up to a year to rehome!

    Any Staffie owner will know this but for the curious , here are the top 10 breed qualities…..

    1) Excellent family dog and great with children.

    2) Very affectionate

    3) Eager to please , very people friendly.

    4) Highly intelligent.

    5) Easy to groom.

    6) A gentle dog with it’s own personality.

    7) Puppies easy house train.

    8) Obesity is rare in this breed.

    9) Great for apartment / small space living as the have low energy and are fairly quiet indoors.

    10) And above all very sensitive to human feelings.


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    There is good and bad in every breed so the next time you side-step a Staffie please remember that these dogs ooze affection and love and don’t deserve the bad wrap the media has given them. According to statistics you’re  more likely to be injured by a Dachshund or a Chihuahua rather than the a Staff! 



    Staffie Rescue Resources UK

    Staffie Rescue (Surrey)

    Staffy & Stray Rescue (Dorset)

    Happy Staffie Rescue (West Midlands)

    North East Staffie Rescue

    Staffie Smiles Rescue (Scotland)

    Nothern Ireland Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue

  • Comments on this post (1 comment)

    • Hannah Pocock says...

      Love this positivity for staffies!! I have worked with rescue dogs and staffies are by far the my favourite!

      March 29, 2018

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