• British Hen Welfare Trust - The Hen's Champion

    My mother kept chickens growing up, so did Lisa and anyone that's shared their lives with them can tell you just how sweet and loving these birds really are.
    We've long wanted to do something for these feathery friends and with that in mind, we came across the British Hen Welfare Trust, an amazing charity really making a difference to the lives of ex-battery hens. This charity and their many volunteers are true heroes!
    I contacted them and kindly, Jane Howorth MBE, founder of the British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT), told us more about the charity and how it all began.
    "I founded the charity in 2005 but the inspiration to rehome laying hens came a lot earlier than that. It was when, as a teenager, I watched a BBC documentary on egg production in battery cage systems in the 1970's. I was so shocked by the conditions these lovely animals were kept in that I started writing to MP's, agricultural organisations and retailers asking them why they didn't demand higher welfare standards."
    "Fast-forward to 1995 and I finally moved to Devon and re-homed my first flock of chickens from a local farmer. These girls had a very special impact on my life and taught me that hens have unique personalities and are capable of love, trust and companionship. Ten years later I officially launched the BHWT and the charity has grown from there. We have now re-homed more than 750,000 hens across the country and have more that 800 volunteers who help us saves lives all year long.
    "Since we started, chickens have become the sixth most popular household pet, and people are beginning to understand just how special these little birds really are. Welfare standards have improved, and although it's a slow process, we're heading for a future where all hens will have a chance to enjoy life outside, scratching for bugs and slugs and spreading their wings for a dust bath in the sunshine."
    "As well as our fantastic volunteers, we are so lucky to have a network of loyal supporters, without whom we wouldn't be able to continue our life-saving work.
    Whether it's adopting hens, fundraising for us through running or baking, or supporting us with a regular donation, we couldn't have achieved all that we have so far without our brilliant supporters who are passionate about animal welfare.
    And there's plenty more to be done to make sure hens are given the lives they deserve. If any anyone wants to find out more about how they can get involved they can visit our website www.bhwt.org.uk."
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