• The British Blue - Amy and Basil


    This beauty dates way back to the first century AD when the Romans invaded Britain.They brought with Egyptian domestic cats who interbred with our local wild cat population and over time their offspring developed into large cats with thick, short coats and copper eyes not to mention pointy, triangular ears. 

    This good natured puss has a gentle temperament and is great with kids and most animals in fact. Easy going and calm, this breed requires little grooming and makes for a happy in-door cat.

    As it happens, my lovely friend Amy has a British Blue so I thought I'd get her opinion on these gorgeous little fellas.

     Here goes........

    Amy, what made you get a cat?

    "I've always had pets growing up - dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits and fish! And when I moved to London I really missed that and at the time my flat wasn't big enough and I didn't feel I would be able to give a dog the attention and time they need due to my busy life/social life.

    My family have always been a "dog-family" and then one by one everyone started to get cats! I then researched cat breeds and came across BSH (British short hair) and just fell in love with their teddy bear like features. I also read that they made great house cats, were affectionate and very loyal - so it was kind of like a compromise for getting a dog, by getting the most dog-like cat I could! I researched a lot about he breed and about local breeders and eventually found this amazing lady in East London who had a couple of litters and seemed really to know a lot about the breed. She had the mother and father which I thought was really good for the kittens, she was just a hobby breeder so I meant that she would make sure she wasn't over-breeding".

     How has the little chubster changed your life?

    "In a very good way! I went through a very difficult break up and having Basil at home every night with me really helped going through it, it was lovely to have that unconditional love you get from animals. I'd get home from work and sit on the sofa and straight away he would jump on man lap and rub his face into me.

    He has the funniest personality, he sits like an old man when he rests his paw on the arm of the sofa and falls asleep. He also pulls the funniest faces when he's flat out asleep and snoring which really makes me laugh.

    He sleeps on my bed every night and I normally wake up to him sat on my chest shouting at me for attention, I then give him a belly scratch and he will lie down next to me and fall back asleep.

     Finally, would you recommend a British Blue for an indoor lifestyle?

    "Most definitely! As a breed they are quite lazy and love to sleep, which he does for most of the day! They are also so friendly and affectionate so great when you have friends over - everyone coos over him!

     I have a secure garden so I do let him put to explore when the weather is nice but he seems happiest staying in and sleeping on the sofa o at the end of my bed."
    So there you have it, a first hand review and thumbs up for a classy cat and sweet natured to boot!


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